Comprendo descripciones cortas y sencillas de objetos y lugares conocidos
Sigo la secuencia una historia sencilla.
Linguistico, pragmático, socio-linguistico
Indicador de desempeño: Respondo de forma larga a las preguntas formuladas.
Indicador de conocimiento: Comprendo enunciados sencillos y doy respuesta.
- Unidad didáctica
Unidad No.1
There are. Verbo to be. Resta y suma
Unidad No. 2
Presente simple. Alimentos. How many?
- Propósito: Apreciados estudiantes esta semana aprenderemos acerca de los alimentos, su clasificación y su vocabulario en inglés.
- Desarrollo Cognitivo instruccional
Read the poem
You need to eat different types of foods to be strong and stay healthy
The five food groups are:
Grain group (bread, cereal, rice, pasta and noodles group)
This is one of the two biggest parts of the pie chart because you need to choose a lot of your daily food from here.
You get:
- carbohydrates (car-bow-hide-rayts), the food your body uses for energy.
- some calcium (cal-see-um)
- iron
- fibre, which helps move the food along through your gut (intestines).
You need 4-5 servings of these every day (to find out more about servings have a look at the topic Balanced diet).
Vegetables and legumes group
Look at the pie chart to find out what they are. The pie chart shows that these are a very important part of our diet too.
Lots of vegetables and legumes are very good for you, and there are lots of different ones around.
You need 4 or 5 servings of these every day.
Fruit group
Dairy group( Milk, yoghurt and cheese )
This group (sometimes called dairy products) is pretty important for growing kids.
You need 2 to 4 servings every day.
Protein group (meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts and legumes)
Did you notice that some of these foods were also in another group?
Well done!
This group is just as important to keep you healthy, but you can see from the size of the serving on the plate that your body needs less of them than vegetables and carbohydrates.
'Poultry' just means chicken, turkey and other birds.
You get:
- protein
- iron
- vitamins
- minerals